Winning Injury Cases For More Than 50 Years

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What are the Steps of Filing a Lawsuit?

Civil Action Steps

While all cases are unique there is a symmetry which is universal to all lawsuits. From the filing and service of a summons and complaint to start an action to the discovery phase including the all importation deposition and concluding in the trial. Along the way, settlement is the 800 pound gorilla in the room.

Injured? Confused by the New York Legal Process?

Learn “how a personal injury lawyer can help” with your case. Our top-rated lawyers have won millions for our clients. For over 50 years our NYC personal injury lawyers have been helping injured New Yorker file civil lawsuits. Contact us at [nap_phone id=”TOLL-FREE-CT-NUMBER-6″] for a FREE personal injury case evaluation.

How to File a Civil Case in NYC

What follows is an outline of the pivotal points in the lawsuit. There are too many variables to assume that the outline is definitive in any respect. What it does is highlight for the potential client the stages/steps in litigation and where along those stages settlement comes into action.

Discovery is an important phase of the pre-trial portion of the litigation. It is the single most time consuming and contentious time in the litigation. It is during these skirmishes that counsel on each side takes stock of his opponent and the relative merits and short comings of his client’s case. The single most significant event is the deposition. Considerable space is devoted to the preparation that we find necessary to prepare our client to do their best at the deposition.

Call us toll-free at [nap_phone id=”TOLL-FREE-CT-NUMBER-6″] or contact our offices to schedule your FREE consultation with an experienced New York City trial lawyer.

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