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What The New York Child Victims Act Means For Survivors Of Sexual Abuse

The Clock is Ticking, Time is Running Out to Start a Lawsuit!

What Is The Child Victims Act?

The New York State Assembly and Senate have passed landmark legislation, called the Child Victims Act, that grants more time for victims who suffered sexual abuse as children at the hands of authority figures to bring lawsuits for damages. This extension applies to cases against the Catholic Church, public schools, private schools, Boy Scouts of America, and similar organizations and/or individuals in their employ.

The Child Victims Act is designed to extend the statute of limitations in civil actions (lawsuits) alleging conduct that constitutes a sex crime against a child under the age of 18.

Previously, the deadline for bringing such an action would typically begin to run when the victim turned 18 and expire three years later, creating a relatively short window for victims to seek justice. The New York Child Victims Act extends that deadline until the victim reaches 55 years of age – a significant change. However, major limitations do apply.

How Does This Change Affect Previously “Dead” Cases?

What about cases involving child sexual abuse that happened decades ago to victims who are now 55 or older? The New York Child Victims Act allows victims to pursue these previously “dead” or time-barred cases, so long as they’re brought quickly. Specifically, these actions can be “revived” within a one-year window that begins six months from the effective date of the Act.

What this means is that adult victims who suffered sexual abuse as children now have a very limited window of time to pursue justice. And time is running out, so act quickly to take advantage of this one-time opportunity to seek justice.

Don’t Wait To Seek Justice – Contact Us For A Free Case Review

The Child Victims Act is a monumental change in the law that requires detailed analysis. If you or someone you know suffered sexual abuse as a child at the hands of an authority figure, now is the time to consider taking action.

Our New York Child Victims Act lawyers are ready to help you pursue justice, accountability and, to the extent possible, closure.

We handle these cases with sensitivity and care. Please feel free to contact us for guidance on whether your case falls within the extension period of the Child Victims Act.

Time is short, and we have to move fast to get cases into the court system before the deadline expires, so don’t wait to take the first step. Call us at [nap_phone id=”TOLL-FREE-CT-NUMBER-6″] immediately for FREE and confidential case review that involves a private and frank discussion of your circumstances. There is no obligation.


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