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Hidden injuries from pedestrian accidents

by | Oct 3, 2022 | Uncategorized

While walking through the streets of New York City, the last thing you want to experience is a pedestrian accident. If a reckless or negligent driver does hit you, doctors advise seeking medical attention within the first 72 hours after your accident, even if you are able to walk away from the accident.

Many different types of injuries come from pedestrian accidents, including those that cannot be seen by the naked eye. These hidden injuries can have serious complications and can even be fatal. Here are a few common examples of hidden injuries to look out for:

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)

Whether a car hit you and sent you rolling, or you flipped off your bike because of a dooring accident, a blow to the head can be devastating. Internal hemorrhaging in your brain can cause dizziness, nausea, memory difficulties, trouble sleeping, and uneven pupil dialations.


The sudden shove from a vehicle can throw out the alignment in your neck and cause considerable damage to it. Whether the bones in your neck are misaligned or you are suffering nerve damage in your neck, whiplash can impact nearly every facet of your day-to-day life.

Soft-tissue injuries

It can be easy to assume the pain in your thigh will go away in a few days after your accident, but it can be the first sign of a soft tissue injury. The pain in your leg can quickly turn into bruising, indicating tissue damage or internal bleeding. If untreated, these injuries can leave you with permanent consequences.

Spine injuries

Your spinal column is extremely delicate, and even one of the 33 vertebrae in your spine being damaged can result in nerve damage, broken vertebrae, numbness, or paralysis. Some of these injuries may not present themselves until your spine has begin to settle after the inflammation and swelling after your accident goes down, allowing them to hide for hours or days.

Emotional injuries

This may be the most overlooked type of injury, but also one of the most damaging. Any kind of accident has the potential to leave a victim with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, phobias of the outdoors, cars or walking, or other forms of emotional trauma. Consulting with a therapist can help you protect your mental state after an accident.

Do not ignore the signs of injury after your accident

When a reckless or distracted driver causes you to experience a pedestrian accident, do not make the mistake of taking your health for granted. Make sure you seek medical attention as soon as possible to verify the severity of your injuries and get the necessary treatment to make a full recovery.


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